International Church Planting Institute

International Church Planting Institute is ready to train you!
Find us in person at 6910 S Lewis Ave, Tulsa OK, or online at the
ICPI Website will migrate to ‘’ soon, but until then, check here for details!

Fall Courses starting August 25th 2019

List of Courses Currently Offered: (Starting Date in Parentheses-70min each)

How to Communicate in Basic Mandarin Chinese (12wks)(Saturdays 8/31- 9am)- Yabing Wang
How to Communicate in Basic English (12wks)(Saturdays 8/31)- Jane Graber
Called to Become a Deacon (4wks)(Tuesday Evenings 8/27 – 6:30pm)- Deacon Ken Winfrey
Do as an American Does – TBD
The Doctrine of God? (4wks-8/25)(Sundays 2-5pm)- Pel Stringer
The Appointment that Must be Kept (4wks-8/26)(Monday Evenings)- Pastor Larry Delay
Preaching with Purpose (Monday Evenings)- Pastor Larry Delay

How Much Does it Cost?
All Courses are Tuition-Free, Students pay a registration fee per course to cover class materials, coffee, and tea. 4 Week Courses($10), 8 Week Courses($15), 12 Week Courses ($20). Certificate awarded upon successful completion.

Questions may be directed to

What is ICPI?
Vision: To share a successful model of training, coaching, and mentoring church planters as they plant and grow new congregations.
Mission: To train and edify followers of Christ through applied and practical ways to live a dedicated and holy life based solely on Biblical principles and an intimate daily relationship with Jesus Christ.
Goal: To provide quality training that is affordable. To present sound principles of church planting and discipleship using theoretical and practical application methods. To review strategies for practical and sustainable planning and financing of new church plants. To partner with local churches in North America in the training ministry of church leaders and planters.